TPC Health Ministries presents Let’s Go Nuts! – Part V

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Hazelnuts, Brazil Nuts

Unfortunately, hazelnuts are one the least consumed nuts, which is a shame because a single serving of them contains 86% of the recommended daily amount of Vitamin E, a very important vitamin contributing to the health of your skin, heart, muscles and nervous system. You’ll also get half of the daily dose of magnesium, a mineral that helps regulate the calcium levels in muscles and maintain the skeletal system. Post-menopausal women are often deficient in magnesium, which makes hazelnuts an excellent food for that population.

Hazelnuts are also a great source of the B Vitamins: B1 (thiamin), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), and B9 (folic acid) are all present in high amounts in the hazelnut. As for the importance of B vitamins, it might be easier to list what B vitamins don’t do instead of trying to list everything that they do. Suffice to say, they are very important to the health of our bodies. SO – eat some!

Brazil nuts sometimes scare people away because they are big and dark. But they are loaded with minerals, including calcium, iron, copper, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus, and are absolutely packed with selenium, an antioxidant that helps filter out free radicals from your system. Selenium is also crucial to maintaining your immune system and regulating your thyroid gland.

Brazil nuts also contain high amounts of zinc, which make them an ideal food for those with acne problems. Zinc is believed to offer acne relief, as demonstrated in a 2013 French study published in Dermatology, among others. Brazil nuts may offer additional benefits to the skin due to the high amounts of selenium, which triggers the antioxidant glutathione. When this antioxidant gets to work, it helps fight wrinkles and keep skin looking young and healthy.